Wondering how to prevent hair loss? Know that you aren’t the only one suffering from this torment. Hair loss episodes happen to be quite common among both men and women.
In fact, 20% of Caucasian males aged 20 will suffer from some sort of male pattern baldness. The picture doesn’t get better for women as 80% of them will have experienced noticeable hair loss by the age of 60. This data was pulled from a recent US survey conducted by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. This survey also reveals that a massive 35 million North American men experienced hair loss episodes in 2013. The number is softer for women at 21 million.
Hereditary and genetics are the most relevant factors affecting hair health. Whilst you can’t run away from genetic factors, there are certain nutrition tips that, if embraced, can help prevent hair loss, and even speed up hair growth.
How To Prevent Hair Loss: Take Omega-3
Omega-3is an essential fatty acid that plays an important role in the maintenance of the cardiovascular system and tissue maintenance. Omega-3 can be found in fish oil supplements. Fish oil supplements are extracted from food sources high in omega-3, and deliver two potent fatty acids for the body. These are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
Clinical studies have found that these omega-3 fatty acids can boost mental health, improving mental skills such as concentration, focus and memory. EPA and DHA can also help lower inflammation and reduce bad cholesterol, therefore reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease.
As this wasn’t enough, omega-3 fatty acids are extremely helpful for promoting healthy hair. Researchers publishing in Advances in Therapy analysed data collected from 30 women aged 38 to 67 years who had experienced hair loss. It was found that omega-3 significantly reduced hair loss in women.
Other clinical studies found that lack of omega-3 can lead to opaque and dry looking hair which in turn can end in dandruff or an itchy scalp. Omega-3 contributes to lubricating hair follicles and so add elasticity and brightness to your hair.
Natural Omega-3 sources
The best thing is that you’ll hardly struggle to eat an adequate amount of omega-3 in order to take advantage of its health-enhancing benefits. Two units of fatty fish alone provide the weekly recommended dose of DHA and EPA. The choice is vast: salmon, halibut, sardines, trout, catfish, cod, tuna and herring.
Other dietary sources of omega-3 include nuts, flaxseed, shellfish, canola oil and eggs. An easy way to consume omega-3 is through fish oil supplements.

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