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For a limited time only it is 3 for 2 on our delicious range of Exante meal replacement Soups, Shakes and Ready Meals. Whether it is a hot meal for those cold winter nights or deliciously thick and creamy shake, we have everything you need to start your new diet plans.

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By continuing to purchase I confirm I have read and agree to the term and conditions; I have checked my BMI and the list of contraindications and confirm that currently I am medically eligible for the solution I plan to participate in; I understand that changes in BMI, medications or medical history may affect my eligibility; I confirm I have consulted with my GP regarding my participation and will undertake any medical monitoring they recommend; I am happy for The Hut group of companies to process and store my health check data in order to give me advice on the Exante Diet Plan I am eligible for. This information will not be given to third parties.

edical history may affect my eligibility; I confirm I have consulted with my GP regarding my participation and will undertake any medical monitoring they recommend; I am happy for The Hut group of companies to process and store my health check data in order to give me advice on the Exante Diet Plan I am eligible for. This information will not be given to third parties.